NJ Wedding Photographers Locust Grove Poughkeepsie NY Wedding Photos | Jamie Bodo Pho

Locust Grove Poughkeepsie NY Wedding Photos

Locust Grove Poughkeepsie NY Wedding Photos                                                                                                                  www.JamieBodoPhotography.com        732-579-9788

Courtney and Doug’s day started on a beautiful and bright sunny day!  Both were preparing at a local hotel in Poughkeepsie.  The vibe in the rooms were happy and lively!  Everyone was so excited for the day ahead!  During the prep, it was a bit rainy outside, but with loads of prayers and good luck, they rain went away!  Once everyone was dressed and ready to go, we headed to Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel.  I loved the architecture of this beautiful old historic church!   Arriving guests were excited for the festivities!  Everyone took their seats so the wedding ceremony could begin.

Courtney was beautiful walking down the aisle!  I loved how this church had a secret back door and space that allowed me to get a very rare viewpoint of the couple and all of the guests during the ceremony!  Capturing Courtney and Doug’s little private looks at each other were priceless!  After the ceremony, we photographed the family portraits with the beautiful church in the background.  Once we were finished, we headed to Locust Grove for the reception!  This is a historical site and is now a museum of the inventor of Morse Code; Samuel F. B. Morse’s home.  The view is spectacular!  We took the wedding party out for many formal and fun poses!  Then just the couple and I walked the property and found some great lighting and scenery!

I absolutely loved the simple and elegant floral table centerpieces as well as her cupcake tier!  As the sun set, the couple was introduced for the first time as husband and wife and had their first dance in front of their loved ones!  The parent dances were quick but emotional!  I enjoyed the speeches.  There were a few tears in between all the laughter and joy!  This crowd really knew how to party and they did so all night long!  Congratulations to Doug and Courtney!

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Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel Wedding Photos

Locust Grove Poughkeepsie NY Wedding Photos

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7 responses to “Locust Grove Poughkeepsie NY Wedding Photos”

  1. Paige Gabert says:

    What a cute couple! And I love their reception location.

  2. These are great! Love all of your detail shots!

  3. Krista says:

    Beautiful! The light in that chapel is incredible!

  4. Cristina says:

    Such beautiful memories they will cherish forever! I agree, the chapel is amazing. What a beautiful setting for the couple. Great work!

  5. Ashley says:

    These are so sweet!! And the perfect venue!

  6. Alex says:

    LOVE that church exit shot! Beautiful photos, Jamie!

  7. Jaclyn says:

    Beautiful wedding Jamie!

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